Understand some of Kenya’s most pressing contemporary and societal challenges, including rapid urbanization, access to healthcare, and human rights.
Cutting-edge public health initiatives are being implemented in Kisumu, a Kenyan port city on Lake Victoria and home to the largest U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention facility outside North America. The CDC’s relationship with the Kenya Medical Research Institute, which spans four decades, offers students unparalleled access to distinguished medical professionals, scholars, and scientists. Attend classes on a campus with high-speed internet and surrounded by gardens. Learn research protocol and how to gather and analyze data from experts developing improved delivery of treatments and vaccines for infectious diseases and translating findings into policy recommendations. You’ll also study Kiswahili, the lingua franca of East Africa, and gain a range of perspectives from two homestay families, one in urban Kisumu and one in the rural hills and lakes region of Siaya County. As part of the program, you will also travel to Kenya’s capital city of Nairobi, a center for relief, health, and human rights organizations, and to Rwanda, where you will survey its significantly lower rates of HIV and malaria.
Please visit the SIT Study Abroad website for details on the program highlights and details of coursework, educational excursions, and housing.
SIT is an all-inclusively priced study abroad program – including academic costs, excursions, accommodations and meals, airport transfers, and health insurance. Be sure to discuss how study abroad costs are handled at your school with your study abroad advisor and read the website for more specific information.
SIT has awarded an average of over $1.3 million in scholarships and grants to SIT Study Abroad students in the past three years. All scholarships and grants are need-based. Awards generally range from $500 to $5,000.
Visit our website: studyabroad.sit.edu
Request more information or email us:studyabroad@sit.edu
Call an admissions counselor: 888-272-7881
Contact a former student.
Apply to SIT
Read more about our admissions process here.
Academic Program
Students enroll in five courses during the semester for a total of 16 U.S. semester credits (4.0 Pomona credits). The academic program consists of:
- Comparative Healthcare Systems (0.75 Pomona credit)
- Intensive Kiswahili language study (0.75 Pomona credit)
- Health and Human Rights in Kenya (0.75 Pomona credit) or Epidemiology in Kenya (0.75 Pomona credit)
- Research Methods and Ethics (0.75 Pomona credit)
- Independent Study Project (ISP; 1.0 Pomona credit) or Internship and Seminar (1.0 Pomona credit)
There is no CR/NC option on this program.
Living Arrangements
Students live in a combination of guest houses, hostels, or small hotels. Throughout the semester students will also stay in homestays in Kisumu, Nairobi, and Takaungu, a rural village on the Kenya coast.
Number of Students
SIT enrolls approximately 20 students, selected from a national pool.
Host Institution
School for International Training (SIT)
Faculty Liaison
Michael Diercks
A college-level course with African content is highly recommended. Students must submit a copy of a valid passport at the time of application.
Travel Advisories